Complaints Process

Complaints Process

Students, faculty, staff, administrators and other persons may report incidents in which they can present evidence an accredited unit or ACEJMC has violated accreditation standards, policies and procedures. The Council requires administrators of accredited units to inform their units of this policy.

The Council does not adjudicate, arbitrate or mediate individual faculty or student grievances against a program, nor does it act as a court of appeals in individual matters of admissions, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff or students.

Complaints must be made in writing and should be addressed to the president of ACEJMC. Complaints must be accompanied by documentation showing a specific, substantive violation of one or more standards, policies or procedures.

After receipt of a complaint against an accredited unit, the president will convene the Executive Committee within 15 days to determine the validity of the complaint. If further action is warranted, the president will direct the executive director to 1) notify the accredited unit of the complaint and 2) gather relevant information and provide a response for the Executive Committee within 30 days.

The Executive Committee may then: 1) dismiss the complaint; or 2) find the unit in violation of one or more standards. The Executive Committee could then find the violation to a degree that requires a change in the unit’s accreditation status.

After receipt of a complaint against ACEJMC, the president will convene the Executive Committee within 15 days to determine the validity of the complaint. If further action is warranted, the president will direct the executive director to gather relevant information and provide a response to the complaint within 15 days. The Executive Committee may then: 1) dismiss the complaint; 2) determine that an individual representing or employed by ACEJMC may have violated a standard, policy or procedure, and counsel the individual; or 3) take further action as circumstances warrant, up to and including termination.

In the case of a complaint against a member of the Executive Committee, the president will direct the complaint to the Appeals Board.

The president of the Council will notify the complainant and unit or individual of decisions in writing. Decisions of the Executive Committee or Appeals Board may be appealed to the Council for consideration at the Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.  

The Council requires all units seeking accreditation to maintain records of student complaints and their resolution. As part of the site visit, a visit team member examines the unit’s record of student complaints. The Council expects this record to show timely, equitable and fair resolution of student complaints that are pertinent to the unit’s compliance with accreditation standards.

ACEJMC maintains records of complaints it receives and their resolution.

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