ACEJMC Accreditation Status
Programs Accredited/Reaccredited
Programs with Provisional status
ACEJMC accredits programs in journalism and mass communications at colleges and universities in the United States, Puerto Rico and outside the country. Programs requesting a review by ACEJMC are evaluated every six years and, after the evaluative process, receive one of three determinations: accredited/reaccredited, provisional or denial.
ACEJMC currently has 119 accredited programs. Programs are listed according to their accreditation status. The listing includes the accredited unit, administrator and contact information, degrees and areas of emphases reviewed for accreditation, accreditation site team report (occurring 2012-13 and thereafter), and student information data (retention and graduation data). The provisional programs list also include the standards in noncompliance.
A program denied accreditation, even if previously accredited, cannot align itself publicly in any way with ACEJMC, nor will ACEJMC do so. A denied program can reapply for accreditation review after two years and must submit to the full evaluative process with particular emphasis on how previous deficiencies were corrected. No programs denied accreditation are listed on this site.
Meetings of the Accrediting Committee and Accrediting Council are open. The accrediting process offers opportunities for units to respond to the findings of the site teams and the Committee and to appeal actions of the Council.