Provisional Programs
There are 120 schools accredited by ACEJMC.
The listing of a program as provisional means deficiencies identified during the review process resulted in the Accrediting Council withholding full accreditation/reaccreditation. The unit has a two-year provisional period to correct the deficiencies, after which the program is reviewed again and either reaccredited or denied. There is no extension of the provisional period. The unit also may choose to withdraw, ending any ACEJMC affiliation.
Included with each provisional listing below are: unit information; the bachelor’s and/or professional master’s degree programs examined during the review; the standard(s) found in noncompliance that led to the provisional status, the year when placed on provisional status, and a link to the most recent site team report, which details what must be corrected for accreditation. [In some cases, not all programs within the unit were reviewed; in these instances, the areas reviewed are shown in brackets.]
In addition, the listing provides each accredited unit’s most recent site team review report and the accredited unit’s current student data information (retention and graduation data).
Bowling Green State University, Division of Journalism and Public Relations,
306 Kuhlin Center, Bowling Green, OH 43403;
Cheryl Bracken, director of the School of Media and Communication.
B.S.J. Journalism (Journalism and Public Relations).
Tel.: (419)372-3192 Email:
Student data information
(Provisional 2023)
Standards in Noncompliance:
Standard 4: Diversity and Inclusiveness; Standard 7: Resources, Facilities and Equipment
2023 Council Decision and 2022-23 Site Team Report
Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication,
613 Wallace Road, 101 Hamilton Hall, Ames, IA 50011-4010
Michael Dahlstrom, director.
B.A. Advertising; B.S. Journalism & Mass Communication; B.S. Public Relations.
Tel.: (515)294-4342 Email:
Student data information
(Provisional 2023)
Standard in Noncompliance:
Standard 4: Diversity and Inclusiveness
2023 Council Decision and 2022-23 Site Team Report